Monday, June 23, 2014

Magnolia Gazette Resources

The McComb Public Library now has The Magnolia Gazette on microfilm for the years 2012 and 2013.

The Progress Public Library now has bound copies of The Magnolia Gazette for the years 2011, 2012, and 2013. 

Thank you to Dr. Luke Lampton for donating these valuable resources!

Friday, June 6, 2014

New Additions @ McComb

Genealogy Books recently added to McComb Public Library: 

*Black Genesis – A Resource Book for African-American Genealogy
By James M. Rose and Alice Eichholz

G 929.1 ROS

*Autobiography of George Howard Alford:
Some of his writings and speeches and a chapter on the Alford family and the history of farm development for fifty years. (Progress, Mississippi)

G 630 ALF

*The Duck Book

By: Mary Duck Pallon

G 929.2 PAL

Kyzars: John Kyzar (ca 1765) to Marshal Chase Kyzar (July 1982)

By: Clyde K. and Norva Kyzar Reeves

G 929.2 KYZ