Friday, June 10, 2016



Adventurers of Purse and Person, Virginia: 1607-1624/5
4th edition, John Frederick Dorman

Volumes 1 - 3


Thursday, June 9, 2016

New Additions

New Additions to the Genealogy Collection at McComb Public Library: 

* Our Ellsworth Ancestors 
German E. Ellsworth and Mary Smith Ellsworth, Compilers
Edited by John Orval Ellsworth, Ph.D.
Contains the genealogies of David, German, and Edmund Ellsworth, according to the book. 

*Edward Higby and His Descendants
by Clinton David Higby, Ph.D.

*Thomas Skidmore (Scudamore), 1605-1684, of Westerleigh, Gloucestershire, and Fairfield, Connecticut
His ancestors and his descendants to the ninth generation, 2nd edition
Warren Skidmore

*The Descendants of Francis Muncy I 
With genealogy of allied families of Adams, Brewster, Ludlow, Skidmore, Smith, Anderson, Wheatley, Wynn, Blankenship, Dickason, Harvey, Morris, Southgate, Craven, Harrison, Helton (Hilton) Davenport, Bullock Brantley, Brown, Connell, Wells
Revised by Mary Edith Shaw

*Descendants of Thomas Canfield and Matthew Camfield
Companion to "A History of Thomas Canfield and Matthew Camfield with a genealogy of their descendants in New Jersey" by Frederick A. Canfield, 1897
Compiled by Canfield Family Association, 2006


Thursday, June 2, 2016

Recently Added

Recently Added to the Genealogy/Historical Collection: 

At McComb & Walthall Libraries (copy also available at the Liberty Library)

Bethany Presbyterian Church Family Connections, 1808-1865, Bicentennial Celebration 2008, Ariel, Amite County, Mississippi
Compiled and edited by Frances Phares


History of Orange County, New York
By Samuel W. Eager

Families of County Donegal, from the earliest times to the 20th century:
Irish family surnames with locations & origins
Including English, Scots, & Anglo-Norman Settlers and Settlements
(published as a supplement and an addition to the original:
Book of Irish Families, great & small, Volume 8)
Michael C. O’Laughlin

Irish Church Records: Their History, Availability, & Use in Family and Local History Research
Edited by James G. Ryan

New York in the Revolution: As Colony & State
2nd ed., 1898
James A. Roberts, Comptroller

History of Susquehanna, Pennsylvania
Emily C. Blackman

New England Marriages Prior to 1700
3-book set
Clarence Almon Torrey

Who’s Who in the South and Southwest:
A biographical dictionary of noteworthy men and women of the Southern and Southwestern States