New Additions to the Genealogy Collection at McComb Public Library:
* Our Ellsworth Ancestors
German E. Ellsworth and Mary Smith Ellsworth, Compilers
Edited by John Orval Ellsworth, Ph.D.
Contains the genealogies of David, German, and Edmund Ellsworth, according to the book.
*Edward Higby and His Descendants
by Clinton David Higby, Ph.D.
*Thomas Skidmore (Scudamore), 1605-1684, of Westerleigh, Gloucestershire, and Fairfield, Connecticut
His ancestors and his descendants to the ninth generation, 2nd edition
Warren Skidmore
*The Descendants of Francis Muncy I
With genealogy of allied families of Adams, Brewster, Ludlow, Skidmore, Smith, Anderson, Wheatley, Wynn, Blankenship, Dickason, Harvey, Morris, Southgate, Craven, Harrison, Helton (Hilton) Davenport, Bullock Brantley, Brown, Connell, Wells
Revised by Mary Edith Shaw
*Descendants of Thomas Canfield and Matthew Camfield
Companion to "A History of Thomas Canfield and Matthew Camfield with a genealogy of their descendants in New Jersey" by Frederick A. Canfield, 1897
Compiled by Canfield Family Association, 2006
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